Sunday, September 30, 2018

"More Beautiful Feet" - reflecting on our church's ongoing journey of sharing good news (Isaiah 52:7 & Romans 10:12-15)

People need to hear the good news! That is why those who take this good news to others … are described as having … “beautiful feet”. The quote that Paul uses in verse 15 (of Romans chapter 10) comes originally from Isaiah 52:7, where we read: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation; who says to Zion ‘Your God reigns’.

The people of God in Israel, when Isaiah was active as a prophet, were often in difficult situations, and thus needing to hear some better news for times ahead. Often they had contributed to their own troubles. But, God never forgot them, never lost his interest in them, never fell out of love with them, always wanting what was best for them.

Isaiah probably modelled his concept of “beautiful feet”, on the messenger that was reporting the very good news about the release of the Israelite captives from the Babylonian exile. A messenger, of good news, like this, is usually on the move, looking for every opportunity possible to spread the very important information that they know to be true.

There is a joyous spring in their step! Even if those feet are tired, calloused and dirty, such feet are actually still “beautiful”, because they carry forth the sort of “good news” that can change lives. And, at the end of the day, as we read in John 13, Jesus himself will [personally] wash the weary feet of those he calls to bring the “good news” message.

People of all generations go through difficult times. Those that we do community with … go through difficult times. Often one challenge follows another. Sometimes the problems are largely self-inflicted. Yet, God loves everybody, and is available to see anyone through any crisis. That is why we need to keep the rumour of God alive.

More than this, we need to demonstrate what a Loving God we serve. This should always guide our lifestyle. Are we promoting, through the way we do life, that there is real hope … through a Loving Saving God? Sometimes, also, we are called upon to speak – to answer questions, or to share the story behind our faith – so that others can find the means of moving forward.

Through such positive witness to God, through explaining how good it is to follow Jesus, we can offer possibilities of life transforming forgiveness and peace. One of the reasons this news is called “good news”, is because often, very often, this will be NEW news. This will be news, previously unheard. This will be a message that, as they say, is ‘news’ to people (Dickson)!

The people who spoke to us last week from the Christian Motorcyclists Association clearly have been “beautiful feet” amongst an often antagonistic culture. Graeme, in his role as sports chaplain, along with many of us in our various community roles, walk with “beautiful feet”. Those here who are tradies, or run businesses, or serve in other ways, also sense their call to be “beautiful feet”. We should celebrate this, and build on this!

We have to concede that there are many, very many, right here, close to us, who have NOT heard – and who have NOT seen a credible witness to Jesus. They require messengers of “good news” – people with beautiful feet! Some people are just waiting to hear some “good news” like this!

It was reported recently that former Labor leader and Governor-General Bill Haydon, a well-known atheist, had come to faith and been baptised (into the Catholic church) at the age of 85. It is reported that his decision had been prompted by a gnawing pain in his heart and soul about what the meaning of life was, combined with having witnessed so many selfless acts of compassion by Christians over his lifetime. So, do WE have beautiful feet? Are we the messengers they need??

Back in Isaiah 52:7, the words that expressed there are, “Your God reigns”. NOT ‘Our God reigns’ – as if we were only talking to each other, but rather “Your God reigns” – speaking to everybody. God reigns over His Kingdom, where everyone is invited. God offers the best hospitality. God is waiting, hoping, reaching out, touching lives, bringing evidence of his creative love – “Your God reigns”. The exciting news that demands to be shouted from the rooftops, is that “Your God reigns”!

This is not in any oppressive or domineering way, but rather an acknowledgement that the Lord God’s love for all humankind can transform the circumstances of lives all around us. [Sharing the “good news” with others, also helps to cement our own faith.]

The opportunity to be “beautiful feet” … is an inspiring and challenging vision, because, as we embrace the possibilities of this, the well-being and future of whole communities and whole nations can be transformed. The broad acceptance of this “Gospel” of peace, has the capacity to heal brokenness, release people from bondage, restore relationships, change the nature of leadership, reduce violence and evil, and restore creation.

And, it is up to this generation of Jesus-followers, to invest a legacy of love into this world, for the benefit of tomorrow. We have recently celebrated the investments of faithful loving service that Nan Owen and Kevin Reed have given to this community. Can anyone think of any more important investment … than the investment of being such a messenger of “good news”?!? Do WE have beautiful feet? Amen!

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