Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday message (John 20:1-18)

Mary Magdalene was very dedicated to Jesus. She had seen in Jesus someone who was kind, honest; and when Jesus taught … life seemed to make more sense. Jesus had generally uplifted the status of women through the time in which he lived, sought to release them from cultural constraints, and taught that they should be treated with respect. Women like Mary Magdalene, and many others recorded in the Gospels, loved Jesus for the acceptance, friendship and freedom he brought to their lives. However, to their horror, Jesus had been crucified on a cross and was now dead.

These women who had been so devoted to Jesus … thought he was gone forever. In deep grief over their loss, women followers of Jesus had wrapped his body with spices within linen cloths (as was the burial custom). Jesus had talked about dying for his cause, dying for the salvation of all humankind, dying to bring in the Kingdom of God, dying to change the world – but this didn’t yet make any sense to them … how could anyone kill such a good man?!

Now, on Sunday, Mary Magdalene had returned to the tomb. This was at some personal risk and showed courage, because she was attending the grave of a condemned criminal. She would have been confused and upset enough already, but such feelings were intensified when she saw that the stone from the front of the tomb had been removed … who knows how!

Jesus had died because his message was rejected by some very powerful people. A religious elite, combined with Roman authoritarianism, rejected this Jesus … who was upsetting their little apple-cart, and putting their particular agendas under the microscope. Even though the poor were remaining poor, and the sick were remaining sick, these powerful gate-keepers did not appreciate the way Jesus taught and the change that he was championing. Humility and compassion were NOT words they easily responded to! They preferred to keep the peace; but peace is not really peace, if it is guarded by an iron hand!

So Jesus was executed on a Roman cross; yet Jesus didn’t resist – because something big was being achieved by all this. God decreed … that this was a sacrificial act of a ‘divine’ and perfect servant, bringing forgiveness for sin for anyone who accepted this act of mercy as something done for them. Many people here today have stood at the foot of the cross and accepted Jesus as their Saviour, for he has lifted the burden of sin off them and taken it upon himself. This cost Jesus his life. But this was also a perfect sacrifice, and we know that God would have the last word about all this. Jesus himself had said that death could NOT defeat God, and that he would rise again!

So, with this in mind, we should NOT be surprised that Mary, and the other women, and disciples like Peter and John, found themselves looking at an empty tomb! Whereas they found it hard to work all this out … at the time, as this was all new to them – over the 20 centuries that have followed … we have come to understand how this makes sense. The innocent One rose again! And how important is this for us right now! When things seem to hit rock bottom, where our disappointment in life is palpable, when we are hurting to the depths of our soul – things can turn dramatically around.

In our lives today, our hurts and fears can be relieved through new friendships, acts of kindness and encouraging community. Back then, what happened for Jesus’ followers was revolutionary. The One who they had seen die on a cross, and buried in a tomb … was alive! Yet, Mary Magdalene didn’t know what to make of this empty tomb – she was first worried that Jesus’ body had been moved (or perhaps stolen); and this turn of events was all too much for her – she just stood there weeping.

And then when a man appeared to her, Mary thought that this must be the gardener … tending to the various grave-sites. She didn’t recognise Jesus … perhaps simply because she wasn’t expecting this, possibly because of the tears engulfing her eyes, or maybe just because of the dim dawn light. We can sometimes miss the obvious because we’re just not ready for it! The reality of the best thing ever … has been dimmed to our view!! Mary thought this gardener may be able to explain where the body of Jesus had been taken, so therefore she made her enquiries.

And then, not a gardener, but Jesus himself, said to her, “Mary”. Wow! Firstly, this man knew her name; and not only did he know her name, but also, of great impact … was the way Jesus said her name – “Mary”! Mary not only recognised Jesus’ voice, but also the recent memories of their friendship came flooding back – their relationship was immediately recaptured. Mary was overjoyed, her hurts began to be healed, and even though she couldn’t understand everything of what was going on, she instinctively replied, in full recognition, “Teacher”! Jesus was re-established in her life.

One senses that in this (one-word) response from Mary to Jesus, there is deep joy, worship and fresh commitment. When all seemed completely lost, things turned around to the good after all! All Mary’s unanswered questions were overwhelmed by this personal relationship … seemingly lost forever … being re-established! We have to admit, that life is often full of difficulties and deep challenges to our spirit. Sometimes the hurt we have suffered has even made us walk away from what we have treasured in the past. When Jesus had died, many of Jesus’ disciples had felt their lives were done and dusted!

However, the reality of Jesus’ resurrection means that nothing is too far gone – there remains hope for the future. All seemed lost; but all of a sudden – God turns up! And that future could be well and truly better than any recent or past trauma would suggest. Jesus was dead, but now he is alive! All the garments of death and burial that Jesus had worn … the linen wrappings and head covering … were now thrown aside and left behind (unneeded anymore); and Jesus had walked out of the tomb to reconnect with his disciples (before he re-joined God in heaven)!

Weeping now gave way to joy, and joy will facilitate peace – God’s promises have been fulfilled!! Here is an invitation to see if the resurrected Jesus could make a difference in your life – how you think, how you feel (about yourself and others), how you relate, how you live – Jesus can bring a completely new perspective on life. Even if you have walked away from God (for whatever reason), here is an invitation to explore what a resurrected Jesus might mean for you … in whatever space your life is currently in. Mary was lost, but now she is found!

Billy Graham said that, “The entire plan for the future has its key in the resurrection [of Jesus]”. So Resurrection Sunday may be an opportunity to put past reservations aside, and allow new possibilities to emerge. We can let old habits die, and be raised into new spiritual endeavours. We can look beyond our hurts and engage with God afresh. We can reject the voice of negativity, and replace this with a voice of hope. The more we let ourselves be enveloped by the love of God, the more our lives are renewed.

Easter Sunday is a day of celebration, of worship and of commitment. In this beautiful setting, we can easily see how God wants to transform all of us into being part of His new creation. And, where things are not as they should be, we can participate in the re-making of this world. This is where we all encourage one another, together in community, toward the full potential and purpose God has created each of us to experience and appreciate. Let us celebrate, let us worship, and let us commit ourselves to the risen Jesus!

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